food for thought

  1. The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. Pablo Picasso
  2. Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Edgar Degas
  3. No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. Oscar Wilde
  4. To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - such is the duty of the artist. Schumann
  5. The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity. Walt Whitman

March 14, 2024

6. The Compare and Contrast Essay

general term - comparison

more specific meanings - showing similarities = comparing

- showing differences = contrasting

communicative purpose(s): depending on the specific intention of the writer, we can speak about:

  • descriptive comparison - to show similarities and differences between two artworks
  • expository comparison - to show similarities and differences between two issues in order to support a personal thesis
  • argumentative comparison - to show similarities and differences between two issues in order to support a personal thesis that is expected to encounter considerable opposition

standard move-pattern(s): two patterns: the "block" pattern and the "point by point" pattern

the "block" pattern

Move I: Introducing the theme and the compared artists
Step 1: Setting the stage (the general context in which the two terms intended for comparison belong)
Step 2: Introducing the artists + works + theme(s)
Step 3: Stating the thesis and points of proof (if they exist in the writer's intention)
Move II: Transition: announcing intended organization (the block pattern)
Move III: Developing description/analysis/points of proof/constructive arguments
Step 1: artist/artwork A: elements 1,2,3 / points of proof 1,2,3 / constructive arguments 1,2,3
Step 2: artist/artwork B: elements 1,2,3 / points of proof 1,2,3 / constructive arguments 1,2,3
Move IV: Concluding upon the basic differences and/or similarities (by showing to what extent these have served the intended communicative purpose of the essay)
Move V (optional) Works cited

the "point by point" pattern

Move I: Introducing the theme and compared artists (see above)
Move II: Transition (announces the "point by point" pattern)
Move III: Developing description/analysis/points of proof/constructive arguments

Step 1: Describing/analyzing element 1 / elaborating on point of proof 1 / offering constructive argument 1 for work/artist A

Step 2: Describing/analyzing element 1 / elaborating on point of proof 1 / offering constructive argument 1 for work B

Step 3: element 2 / point of proof 2 / constructive argument 2 for work A

Step 4: element 2 / point of proof 2 / constructive argument 2 for work B

Move IV: Concluding

Move V (optional) Works cited

Task 1:

Read the text Two Edges of the Subconscious Reality in the Twentieth-Century Art by Olga Bersan.

 What pattern is there used? Which are the elements being compared? What discourse strategies are employed by the writer?

Task 2:

Read the essay
Uniform Pigment and Abstract Paintings, by Laura Oprea. What move pattern is here employed and how exactly does it work? Which are the compared elements?

 Deadline: March 28


  1. Sestraş Diana Larisa, grafica, anul 2

    In the essay Two Edges of the Subconscious Reality in the Twentieth-Century Art by Olga Bersan, the "block" pattern is used. The writer compares the works of two artists, Salvador Dali and Francis Bacon, and their respective approaches to representing the subconscious reality in their art.

    The elements being compared are:

    The use of uniform pigment in Salvador Dali's artwork.
    The use of abstract paintings in Francis Bacon's artwork.
    The discourse strategies employed by the writer are:

    Introducing the theme and the compared artists: The writer introduces the theme of the subconscious reality in the twentieth-century art and presents the artists Salvador Dali and Francis Bacon as the main subjects of comparison.
    Setting the stage: The writer provides a general context in which the two artists' works belong, i.e., the surrealist movement and the post-war British art scene.
    Introducing the artists, works, and theme(s): The writer presents Salvador Dali's artwork as a manifestation of the subconscious reality, using uniform pigment and surreal imagery. On the other hand, the writer presents Francis Bacon's artwork as a manifestation of the subconscious reality, using abstract paintings and expressive brushstrokes.
    Stating the thesis and points of proof: The writer states that the use of uniform pigment in Salvador Dali's artwork and the use of abstract paintings in Francis Bacon's artwork are both effective means of representing the subconscious reality in their respective artworks.
    Transition: The writer announces the "block" pattern of organization.
    Developing description/analysis/points of proof/constructive arguments: The writer provides a detailed analysis of Salvador Dali's artwork, focusing on the use of uniform pigment and surreal imagery. The writer also provides a detailed analysis of Francis Bacon's artwork, focusing on the use of abstract paintings and expressive brushstrokes. The writer also offers constructive arguments for why the use of uniform pigment and abstract paintings are effective means of representing the subconscious reality in Salvador

  2. Cordos Vlad Nicolae, Graphics 2nd year

    Task 1. The text uses a block pattern to introduce the theme and the compared artists. The blocks are arranged in a way that creates a sense of order and symmetry. It begins with the theme and the compared artists; it provides background information on the importance of revealing the hidden values of human nature and the human subconscious in 20th century. Salvador Dali and Maurits Cornelis Escher as the two artists being compared, while the thesis is that the artists, despite the obvious difference between their represented worlds, share the same leitmotif of the reflection, which might be well considered the boundary between the visible, material world and the not perceptible, unreasonable world of imagination.
    The elements being compared related to the two artists, Salvador Dali and Maurits Cornelis Escher are the approach to reality and the subconscious, the presence of animals, the presence of man and the technique. The writer employs a compare-and-contrast discourse strategy.

    Task 2. The essay uses a point-by-point comparative essay move pattern. This approach compares and contrasts the works of two artists, Kasimir Malevich and Yves Klein, by examining each element one at a time in separate paragraphs.
    Here’s how it works: introducing the theme and compared artists, works, thesis. The first paragraph introduces the general topic, abstract painting, during the modern and contemporary periods. It then introduces the two artists, Kasimir Malevich and Yves Klein, and mentions their works, Black Square (1915) by Malevich and Untitled blue monochrome (1961) by Klein. The thesis statement comes at the end of the introduction, highlighting that although they share the same subject matter, they differ in attitude and meaning.
    The following section lists the points of comparison the essay will explore in separate paragraphs. Further on, there are the developing points of proof through comparisons. This section develops the points of comparison previously mentioned: the comparison of the general context surrounding the artists (Malevich: The Communist Revolution in Russia, while Klein: Rosicrucianism, Eastern religions Technique), the subject (both paintings are abstract and use a single uniform pigment on a simple background) and style (oil on canvas while Klein - ultramarine pigment suspended in synthetic resin). The essay ends with a conclusion.

  3. George Dîncu - Pictură

    Task 1: The text is comparing two works of the arists Salvador Dali and Maurits Cornelis Escher using a block patter. The blocks are organized in a way that creates a sense of order and symmetry. It starts with the theme and the artists, providing background information on the importance of revealing hidden values of human nature and the human subconscious in the 20th century. Despite the obvious differences in their represented worlds, the thesis suggests that both artists share a common theme of reflection, bridging the visible, material world with the imaginative, imperceptible world. Elements compared between Salvador Dali and Maurits Cornelis Escher include their approach to reality and the subconscious, the presence of animals and man, and their techniques. Dali often using personal symbols to convey certain themes and ideas, while Escher uses the setting and represents impossible yet almost familiar of natural scenarios, with this paradoxical images giving a uncanny feeling.

    Task 2: The essay follows a point-by-point comparative essay move pattern to compare and contrast the works of Kasimir Malevich and Yves Klein. This approach examines each element one at a time in separate paragraphs. The introduction introduces the theme, the artists being compared, their works (Black Square by Malevich and Untitled blue monochrome by Klein), and the thesis statement highlighting their shared subject matter but differing attitudes and meanings. The subsequent section lists the points of comparison explored in separate paragraphs. The essay then delves into developing points of proof through comparisons, including the general context surrounding the artists, the subject matter, and the style of their works. Malevich rejecting the concept of art as representation or imitation of the reality while Klein is more concerned with the effects of his textures, pigments and strokes, overall being concerned with the technical side of the art.


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